1. What is grade 7A++/ 100% mirror image handbag? Grade 7A/ 100% mirror image handbag is a handbag which exactly look like the 'authentic/original' one. It has same materials(genuine leather) and correct markings as same as the 'authentic' handbag. Usually, metal hardware is made of silver or brass with high polished finishing. It also has weight and feel just look like the 'authentic' handbag. It does come with tag, serial number, authenticity card, care booklet and dust bag.
2. What is grade 4A++ handbag? Grade 4A++ handbag is high quality 'replica/imitation' handbag. It made of genuine leather and high quality fabric. Metal hardware is not shiny as same as grade 7A++. It comes with tag and dust bag.
3. What is grade 3A++ handbag? Grade 3A++ handbag is high quality 'replica/imitation' handbag but it made of manmade leather and high quality fabric. It comes with tag and dust bag.
4. How to order from you?
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if u dont receive any replies within 48 hours,pls check ur spam/bulk folder.
if its still not in any of those folders,pls resend your email to us.
All items need to prepay before you receive the item. I also accept 2-3 times installments. However, you will receive your items after you complete the payment. If you cancel the purchase in the middle of the payment, your money is non-refundable. If you wish to reserve the item, you could give me a deposit; the amount depends on case by case basis. Deposit is non-refundable and valid in 40 days.
5.Payment method
To one of the following banks: Maybank / CIMB Bank
6.Pls double click on the pic of product for better view.
Items without phrase '100% Authentic/ 100% Original' are replica/imitation products. Our products are of high quality, designer-inspired alternatives to actual Louis Vuitton, Chanel Gucci Fendi Coach Balenciaga Chloe Ferragamo Prada Hermes Celine Tod's Kooba CD Mulberry Marc Jacobs Jimmy Choo Barbara Bui Burberry Ysl Bottega Veneta and accessories.
It is not our intention to deceive customers into believing that they are originals. Rather, we offer equally attractive replica purses as a cheaper alternative to the designer options. Authentic Louis Vuitton, Chanel Gucci Fendi Coach Balenciaga Chloe Ferragamo Prada Hermes Celine Tod's Kooba CD Mulberry Marc Jacobs Jimmy Choo Barbara Bui Burberry Ysl Bottega Veneta can only be bought from an authorized dealer at their original prices. Ladies fashion is not a representative or is not associated with, or sponsored by Chanel Gucci Fendi Coach Balenciaga Chloe Ferragamo Prada Hermes Celine Tod's Kooba CD Mulberry Marc Jacobs Jimmy Choo Barbara Bui Burberry Ysl Bottega Veneta, or any other high-level designers or their copyrighted products. It is not our intention to mock or devalue the names of these products, or for our sales to infringe upon registered trademarks.
In purchasing these purses, the buyer agrees not to sell or represent them as authentic Louis Vuitton, Chanel Gucci Fendi Coach Balenciaga Chloe Ferragamo Prada Hermes Celine Tod's Kooba CD Mulberry Marc Jacobs Jimmy Choo Barbara Bui Burberry Ysl Bottega Veneta items. Our items are to be used for entertainment and novelty purposes only. We take no responsibility for the false portrayal of our merchandise as the authentic Louis Vuitton, Chanel Gucci Fendi Coach Balenciaga Chloe Ferragamo Prada Hermes Celine Tod's Kooba CD Mulberry Marc Jacobs Jimmy Choo Barbara Bui Burberry Ysl Bottega Veneta handbags, purses, and accessories.
We assume no civil or criminal liability for the actions of those who buy our products. Any person representing or formally employed by one of the aforementioned companies is not permitted to enter this web site or any of its links, access any of its constituent files, or view any of its html files.
Those entering this site who do not agree to these terms are violating Code 431.322.12 of the Internet Privacy Act enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1995 and consequently cannot threaten our ISP(s) or any person(s) or company storing these files, nor can they prosecute any person(s) affiliated with this page, including family, friends, or individuals who own, run, enter, or purchase items from this website.
We do not sell authentic Louis Vuitton, Chanel Gucci Fendi Coach Balenciaga Chloe Ferragamo Prada Hermes Celine Tod's Kooba CD Mulberry Marc Jacobs Jimmy Choo Barbara Bui Burberry Ysl Bottega Veneta items. We make reference to these names for the purpose of comparison only. Any references to Louis Vuitton, Chanel Gucci Fendi Coach Balenciaga Chloe Ferragamo Prada Hermes Celine Tod's Kooba CD Mulberry Marc Jacobs Jimmy Choo Barbara Bui Burberry Ysl Bottega Veneta or other brand names are made simply to compare them to our replica designer bags in terms of price, quality, or style.
Any purchase made indicates that the customer has agreed with this disclaimer and is aware that he or she is purchasing a replica product, not an authentic Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Dior, Gucci, Hermes and Fendi handbags, purses, or accessories.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
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